The Ethical Trial Lawyer
The Ethical Trial Lawyer is a book for trial lawyers written by a trial lawyer. Litigation has become a recognized “right” of civil society. It exerts a powerful and, in some respects, a dominating influence. When conducted honorably, litigation is accepted and applauded. When the trial lawyer’s only goal is getting the client off, walking out of the courtroom scot-free it is dishonorable. Trial lawyers assume enormous responsibilities because clients entrust life threatening and lifesaving confidences to us. The law demands of us the highest qualities of loyalty, competence, and honesty. It is not an overstatement to say that the purity and efficiency of judicial administration depends as much on the character and demeanor of trial lawyers as upon the learning, impartiality, and respect of the trial judge. Trial juries traditionally respect the judge and suspect the lawyers. However, it’s always the trial lawyer standing at the jury rail that convinces a reluctant jury to reach a verdict. For that reason alone, “ethics” in trial lawyering is every bit as important forensic skill.